Heritage IDA Pharmacy

Smoking Cessation Counselling

Smoking Cessation Counselling

  • Prescribing Quitting smoking can be challenging but not impossible. At Heritage IDA Pharmacy, we are here to assist you throughout this entire journey. Through our smoking cessation counselling, we aim to support you in letting go of this addiction and moving towards a healthier lifestyle. This cessation counselling is carried out in a systematic way covering the 5A’s of intervention.


  • The effects of smoking on human health are irreversible; quitting it has only benefits and no shortcomings. At Heritage IDA Pharmacy, we work together to systematically and healthily help you get rid of this habit through our counselling sessions.
Medical assistant asking doctor about pills
Smoking habits differ from person to person; hence, we begin the counselling by first asking and documenting every patient’s tobacco use at their every visit. Our pharmacists resort to open-ended questions; thus, feel free to answer questions elaborately.
Doctor advise and medical concepts to the patient At the office.
After seeking answers to all the significant questions, our pharmacists use realistic advice that is fruitful for you and your future if imbibed. The counsellor’s agenda is to help you quit smoking, and we aim to highlight everything good about it.
businessman in suit and car auto insurance agent assess car damage, discussing deductible, claims
Once Your willingness to quit is what will take you forward through each session. Here we assess every individual to identify if they are ready to quit. If yes, we provide our support in any way required further. If the individual is unwilling or unable to quit, the counselling is taken forward.
A Friendly Medical Receptionist is Actively Assisting a Patient in a Modern Healthcare Facility
Assistance plays a major role in the entire smoking cessation counselling. The sessions are organized with the main focus to assist you in quitting this addictive habit. We provide support in various ways and methods depending on each condition.
Doing some arranging
This is the last step in your counselling journey. We arrange follow-up visits or phone calls to review each patient’s progress in their quitting journey.